When the Earth Started to Sing

Illustration by Daniel Liévano

Our first Red-winged Blackbirds of the year arrived today, with their distinctive konk-a-ree calls, that could be easily heard over the gusty winds that are currently howling through the Great Lakes region.

I have always been very in-tune with nature sounds. To me, there is nothing quite as joyful as birdsong, and it often moves me to tears. The return of spring migrants is my favorite time of year, when my ears are in heaven.

I listened to a wonderful podcast this morning, narrated by one of my favorite nature writers, David Haskell, hosted by Emergence Magazine. To quote their description, it is “a journey into deep time and deep sound that will open your ears and your imagination.”


When the Earth Started to Sing Podcast


Nature photographer, artist, naturalist and writer. Living with stage 4 breast cancer.


A Joyful Noise


One Foot (or paw) in Front of the Other