Chasing monarchs with Mojo in our happy place.

I'm a Michigan based nature photographer, naturalist, writer and artist residing in a very beautiful wilderness area with my husband who also shares my love of nature and the outdoors. Together with our furry companion Mojo, we enjoy exploring our local environs and the rich diversity of animal and plant life found here. Through imagery and much of my artwork, I share an awareness of the boundless beauty found in the natural world, with the sincere hope that wild places and crucial habitats will be protected for future generations to enjoy.
I have maintained many blogs over the years: nature photography blogs, a blog dedicated to my past hobby of documenting moth species (I’m a bonafide nature nerd) and another to share to my haiku poetry.
This one will be different, and possibly a bit more challenging as I normally do not share much about my multiple health issues.
In November of 2021, just a few days after my 66th birthday, I discovered I have breast cancer. Invasive lobular carcinoma. After two breast surgeries and 5 weeks of radiation therapy, I now have metastatic cancer. It has reoccured in my breast, moved into both lobes of my right lung my liver and possibly my pancreas as well as my lymphatic system
I also have a very damaged heart from a past heart attack, and now severe aortic stenosis.
Dealing with so very many serious health issues at once has been a very long and difficult road, to say the least.
I have lived with chronic illness for many years, but I tend to be a very private person and illness is my least favorite subject.
But, here we are. Writing and journaling have always helped me process difficult circumstances and this will be a means for me to share my experience while keeping my family and friends informed as I navigate this new territory.

Many thanks for visiting and your comments and feedback are always appreciated.

“Wild sings the bird of the heart in the forests of our lives.”
― Mary Oliver