One Foot (or paw) in Front of the Other

Another vet visit.

“On your darkest days do not try to see the end of the tunnel by looking far ahead. Focus only on where you are right now. Then carefully take one step at a time, by placing just one foot in front of the other. Before you know it, you will turn that corner.”
-Anthon St. Maarten

I’m currently on standby for surgery yet again due to serious gastro issues, which veered me off in a completely different direction until more tests and procedures are done. I haven’t been able to eat much in a couple of weeks and many of my lab tests came back with very abnormal results. I’m scheduled for multiple outpatient tests later this month at a hospital downstate.

It possibly worked out for the best since our sweet boy has his own medical issues that must be addressed asap. A benign cyst on his neck that broke open two weeks ago refuses to heal, so after another vet visit today, and returning home with a neck wrap and more medications, the plan is surgery to remove it and others that are growing fast. Hopefully we can get it done next week and I can get back on track. He is such a brave boy and so very tolerant during his vet visits, but the’s pretty miserable. It hurts my heart to see him in pain.

Please keep Mojo in good thoughts. I need my dear friend that is always by my side healthy. ❤️


Nature photographer, artist, naturalist and writer. Living with stage 4 breast cancer.

When the Earth Started to Sing


The Waiting is the Hardest Part