Sky Dancers
“Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed.”
―Mary Oliver
Red-shouldered Hawk
While walking Mojo around the woods yesterday morning, I watched one of the most beautiful rituals I've ever seen: a pair of skydancing Red-shouldered Hawks. A first for me, although I have been a watcher of birds since childhood.
I heard their signature "kee-ahh" calls long before they flew into view. They soared in wide circles together high above our woods with their wings spread and tails fanned. One of them (I assume the male) broke away and flew up in a spiral, then dove straight down to rejoin it's mate. Just breathtaking!
I tried to take a video, but they were difficult to track and I had Mojo's leash in my other hand. He's a handful when chipmunks are darting around and he still has another week of leash restrictions. (I've attached one of my older photos of a Red-shouldered.)
I'm so grateful to have been in the right place at the right time. I hope everyone is enjoying this most magical season we call spring. I know I am. :)