Diving in to 2023
Diving Polar Bear, Watercolor
“Painting is the silence of thought and the music of sight”
– Orhan Pamuk
Last week, I picked up my watercolors and brushes after staring at blank paper for months. I've been reading so many concerning stories about Polar bears and how they are loosing the fight against climate change. While I have never seen a Polar bear in the wild, I've always taken great comfort in knowing they exist.
Sketching and painting have always been a refuge for me, but my inspiration felt buried and frozen under layers of heavy health concerns. I've filled page after page with journaling, but I just could. not. paint.
I’ve had a much needed break over the holidays from so very many medical appointments and didn't realize how very exhausted I was until I crashed and slept for two straight days. Such a gift.
I'll be off and running to radiology appointments soon, but I've learned (again) that self care comes first above all else.
Happy New Year and may the coming year be one of good health and abundant moments of joy.