A Long Recovery

Time for another walk.

“For people with patience, time with a dog is a little slice of heaven.”
―J.J. Brown

Mojo had his stitches removed on the 25th of last month, after the required 10 day healing period. The wounds on his tail and nose looked as if they had healed, but I questioned the long and deep incisions on his neck. One in particular was still an angry red and didn’t look quite healed up to me. The vet tech assured me that they were, and when I talked to her when she brought him back outside, she assured me that he didn’t need to wear socks any longer, that if he scratched at the areas that was fine.

Long story short, the incision was not healed and opened back up the next day, or at least that is when I noticed it after waking. He had a large gaping wound in his neck over the scar area.

We rushed him back down as soon as the clinic opened back up and he left with 9 staples in his neck. Staples that have been itching him much worse than the sutures did. I was told he would need to keep them in for 14 more days. All of that healing and watching him like a hawk went right out the window. I was exhausted and more than a bit worried so I broke down and cried for a bit in the parking lot. When my companions hurt, I hurt.

What a long 2 1/2 weeks it’s been for this sweet boy who doesn’t quite understand why he can’t leap and run after chipmunks, roll in wet leaves and most of all loose the pesky friend that insists he wears a leash then puts socks back on him each time he comes back in. :)

Along with his potty walks, I take him on a “let’s check out the woodpiles “ walk a couple of times a day, but he’s restless and so am I. The next 6 days can’t pass soon enough. Hopefully this time they will get it right because we have done everything right on our end, and then some. He is such a good boy and so very tolerant and patient. I can’t always say the same.

My own procedures have been put on hold and I have yet to hear from the surgery scheduler about a new date. Since Mojo is so very timid with many people and he has to be watched so very closely during this healing period, I have no choice but to get him through this rough patch before I head back in for further surgery. I haven’t really thought about it much, as I have been busy caring for him. I guess I’m getting used to being in limbo at this point, or at least as used to it as one can be.


Nature photographer, artist, naturalist and writer. Living with stage 4 breast cancer.


Trout Lilies


Post-surgery Update