Pine Siskin.
I opened up my Facebook memory feature today and found this quote and photo, which I had shared a year ago today via Instagram.
On a daywhen the wind is perfect
the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.
A serendipitous post as a small flock of Pine Siskins appeared at our feeders on this very cold morning for the first time this season. I adore these dainty finch and I spend much time watching birds throughout the year.
The word serendipity is defined as: ‘the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.’
I keep a prompt clipped to the front page of my gratitude journal with the question “What was the most life-giving moment of my day?”
I know what I will be entering into my journal this evening.
Thank you, sweet birds, for once again reaffirming that the world is full of beauty.