Embracing Change
Mourning Warbler, male.
“Sacred blessings and divine opportunities appear in your life disguised as unforeseen changes and challenging circumstances.”
― Miya Yamanouchi
Mourning Warblers have now established territory in the once unsightly clearcut that borders our property. It's such a joy to hear their throaty songs all day, along with those of Gray Catbirds, Brown Thrashers, Yellow-billed Cuckoos and so many other warblers. I will always miss species that used to be common here like Purple Finch, Wood Thrush, Northern Goshawks, etc that now only pass through, but the new tenants are taking the sting out of a very painful bite.
Birds are literally helping me to love that space again, something I didn’t think possible. When I once averted my eyes to avoid the visual shock from the removal of an entire forest, I am now comforted by sweet birdsong and lush green growth.
If birds can embrace such a drastic and life altering change, surely I can do the same.